School Curriculum
At Stamford Park Primary School, we hope to engage and motivate our children to develop a broad base of knowledge, to understand the world around them and to shape their future. Our curriculum seeks to equip our children with the core skills they need so that they can learn about the world around them and achieve their full potential. All teaching and learning is underpinned by our four key values of cooperation, consideration, resilience and respect. We also aim to provide a wide range of cultural influences through our topics, assemblies and lessons to challenge thinking and celebrate diversity.
Below you will find further information regarding the subjects that are covered at Stamford Park Primary School and the content that is taught in each year group. Please note, we review the content of each subject each year to ensure we are meeting the needs and interests of the children; therefore, there may be changes made from time to time. We also may choose to teach certain topics in a different order, often where specialist staff are involved. If you require any further information or a paper copy of anything, please contact your child's class teacher or Mrs Price via the school office.